Hello bloggers, today
I will write about my future job, I would have a job like, medicine, because
all my family are connected to this “world”, my father was an ambulance driver,
my sister are a nurse and some cousins are nurses, but when I go to the secondary,
my tasted changed. My preferences are related to the medicine of prevention,
like speech and language pathology, kinesiology, obstetrics and child care, medical technology and
occupational therapy.
When I end the secondary and do the PSU, the decision was very difficult,
but I chose speech and language pathology, with a little fortune I entered in the faculty of
medicine, Universidad de Chile. This year I resigned the career.
Now my real option is forestry, with this title I can do my dreams, like
recognize all the plant species of Chile, be connected to the nature, go to the
hidden locations of my country.
The job: I hope to work in many national parks, like “Vicente PĂ©rez
Rosales”, “Qeulat, “Las Guaitecas” or “Alacalufes”.
But first I have to help my
natal community, because Til-Til have a serious problem with the care of the
nature, the people extract all the ground of leafs, kill the threes to extract
firewood and they do not take care of the water. I hope to made solutions for
this problematics and with my knowledge of plants reforest the lost forest.