Monday, December 19, 2016

English Language Challenges

Hi bloggers, today I will write about the English language challenges, first my English is so poor, but in English I have improved a little, since English b1 I practice learning songs from England and United States. In the blogs I write a lot of post related to astronomy, holidays, films, etc. With the blogs I practice my redaction, vocabulary and reading comprehension. The blogs are a good support for learning English and connect the concepts treated in class with the practical part. Outside of the English class I am doing English to play video games, listen to music, watch tv series and movies and when I am boring.
My favorite post was astronomy, because this topic makes me on, it is so weird, I know, but the universe captivates me. I love talk about meteors, black holes, gravity, the dimensions, speed of light, and all the other mysteries.
My English need more practice, today I am practice my English meanwhile I am watching tv, playing video games, but I need help from a teacher, but not any teacher, I need a personal teacher, because I am easily distracted and having a personal teacher I would easily fix this problem.
I think the English program need a more versatile schedule than the actual, because we have 3 hours of English in a row!!!! This is very tiring, also we only have a break of 15 min. Almost all things work well, only the schedule and breaks are the weak points.
That was all I hope be of help. Thanks for a good semester
Good Bye!!!

Changes to my study program

About my program of study, I will change all the subjects related to Forestry industrial, subjects like, biometry with Patricio Corvalán, oratory, products with Carmona’s teacher, etc. The last program of study ends in the 2012. Because the topics of all the subjects were more obsolete than today.  And for the career had needed innovation, because we only have old programs, with old teachers, we only had this, so we were at a disadvantage. Today we have a curriculum based on skills, but this program takes us freedom, if we have life not relational with the university we decreases our performance, this is not ok. We have rights to have a social life. I am only in second year, I still do not experience the career as it really is, for the moment, this has good and bad things, the good things are like the ambience of the university, the big diversity of trees, the type of buildings, the type of people, some teachers, subjects like botanic, growth and development of plants, among others, and the best are my partners, I’ve met great friends. The worst are schedule, some subjects like biometry and statistics.

Until now I have taken some courses like, math’s I y II, chemistry, physic, botanic, edaphology, geomorphology, personal growth, biometry, growth and development of trees, structure and functioning of ecosystems, and some others.

I hope that the faculty improves the schedules, delete subjects like physic, math and chemistry, the duration of these are so long, and for our working life, we don’t need this knowledge be so extensive.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Summer Holidays

Well, today I will write about my summer holidays in 2017, I will travel to some of most important national parks of Chile, like “Lago Palena”, “Futaleufú”, etc. If I pass all my subjects, I would go to Cochamó with my partners, this would be great. Also I want to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, we have planned to travel together, if we do that, we would spend a lot of money.
With my family we plan, go to my cousin Angélica marriage in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua. She has 23 years old and is a very happy and generous person, but her boyfriend and future husband is a little reckless, that worry me, but they love each other. Also with my family we are looking to visit Pichilemu, because we in the past went to this place, it was amazing.
Another thing I want to do is stay in my house, don’t thinking in tasks, tests and university. I want to spend a lot of time in my house doing nothing; I hope my girlfriend invites me to her house, because being her house with she is fantastic, we can go to hills, climb “El Roble” (is a mountain), take a lot of photos, see the birds, see the plants, eat a lot of vegetables, eat a lot of meat and be happy ♥. If I do this entire thing I will be really happy.

That was all, good bye J

Monday, December 5, 2016


Hello bloggers, today I will write about astronomy, this topic is a universe of questions and mysteries, one of my favorites is gravity; the gravity explains how the universe works, but it does not explain itself, because this one does not present matter, charge or things of that style. This is incredible; it generates the question, why does gravity control movements, sizes, densities and all the events, if it doesn’t behave like matter or energy? I believe that this subject surpasses our ability to perceive things, because maybe the gravity only is “visible” in a fourth, fifth, etc. dimension; maybe gravity only is present as a part of its totality. What do you think blogger?

Other topics are the complexities of the dimensions; it seems incredible to imagine a fourth dimension and how it looks, we are trapped in three dimensions, so we can’t point to a fourth dimension, physically we don’t know where it is, but maybe this dimension is in our mind, maybe we are partially persons of fourth dimensions, maybe our body is only a connection between dimensions, is a little frustrating because this answers don’t are here.

The person who introduced me to these topics was Carl Sagan, he was a legendary astronomer, which explained the workings of the universe on his television show called “Cosmos”. He explain phenomenon like speed of light, a fourth dimension, the darkness, and a long etc.