Monday, December 5, 2016


Hello bloggers, today I will write about astronomy, this topic is a universe of questions and mysteries, one of my favorites is gravity; the gravity explains how the universe works, but it does not explain itself, because this one does not present matter, charge or things of that style. This is incredible; it generates the question, why does gravity control movements, sizes, densities and all the events, if it doesn’t behave like matter or energy? I believe that this subject surpasses our ability to perceive things, because maybe the gravity only is “visible” in a fourth, fifth, etc. dimension; maybe gravity only is present as a part of its totality. What do you think blogger?

Other topics are the complexities of the dimensions; it seems incredible to imagine a fourth dimension and how it looks, we are trapped in three dimensions, so we can’t point to a fourth dimension, physically we don’t know where it is, but maybe this dimension is in our mind, maybe we are partially persons of fourth dimensions, maybe our body is only a connection between dimensions, is a little frustrating because this answers don’t are here.

The person who introduced me to these topics was Carl Sagan, he was a legendary astronomer, which explained the workings of the universe on his television show called “Cosmos”. He explain phenomenon like speed of light, a fourth dimension, the darkness, and a long etc. 


  1. i love cosmos !!! Carl Sagan was a great scientist

  2. I want to see cosmos, we could see it together!!!

  3. Carl Sagan is a very interesting person because of his way of thinking
