Hi bloggers, today I
will write about the English language challenges, first my English is so poor,
but in English I have improved a little, since English b1 I practice learning
songs from England and United States. In the blogs I write a lot of post
related to astronomy, holidays, films, etc. With the blogs I practice my
redaction, vocabulary and reading comprehension. The blogs are a good support
for learning English and
connect the concepts treated in class with the practical part. Outside of
the English class I am doing English to play video games, listen to music,
watch tv series and movies and when I am boring.
My favorite post was
astronomy, because this topic makes me on, it is so weird, I know, but the
universe captivates me. I love talk about meteors, black holes, gravity, the
dimensions, speed of light, and all the other mysteries.
My English need
more practice, today I am practice my English meanwhile I am watching tv,
playing video games, but I need help from a teacher, but not any teacher, I need
a personal teacher, because I am easily distracted and having a personal
teacher I would easily fix this problem.
I think the English
program need a more versatile schedule than the actual, because we have 3 hours
of English in a row!!!! This is very tiring, also we only have a break of 15 min.
Almost all things work well, only the schedule and breaks are the weak points.
That was all I hope
be of help. Thanks for a good semester
Good Bye!!!
The post of astronomy was very funny !